Personal website

About me

Welcome to my personal website. My name is Mateusz Kolasa and I am a web application developer. I have been using the name IcyMat for many years on the Internet. I work as a PHP Developer and specialize in the Symfony framework. I am also developing my frontend skills by learning react.js. My hobbys include programming, but I also enjoy cycling, swimming and reading crime and law books. When I am not programming and resting I am broadening my own knowledge about various topics.

9+ years of experience
25+ projects
3,000,000+ lines of code
cups of coffee



HTTPS—Modern Website Essential to Keep Your Business

Thanks to the Internet, we can now use...

Coauthor: Ada Borzemska

Moja asystentka Andra

Opis mojego głównego projektu - osobistej asystentki o imieniu Andra.

Jak to wszystko się zaczęło i kim jest Andra

Mój pierwszy w życiu większy artykuł. Opowiada o moich początkach z programowaniem.

Mateusz Kolasa
also known as
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